Hello to all users on this forum.

We are TNT TUNING a small factory from Romania and we produce car parts. Our products are made in fiberglass are carefully worked and ready to put on your car, all you have to do is to paint is very easy. The price are not expansive and we have tuning parts for many cars BMW - OPEL - VW - SEAT - MERCEDES - PEUGEOT - MAZDA - HYUNDAI and many more.
You can find us on facebook with the name TNT TUNING and there you can see our projects and our workshop.
For us is a hobby we like to see special cars and we work with soul to do our job very good like perfect that's why all the clients are happy with our job.
If you are interest to buy body kit or to buy just parts separately all you have to do is to ask to see what you want and if we have is ready for you to send.

We accept just PAYPAL is easy and save all the transport are tracked and came with invoice we dispatch the package in 3 working days after receipt your order. Why 3 days? because we are like i said a small factory and we have to prepare all the parts before sending.

If yout do not like what you get but for sure you will like, all you have to do is to send it back to us and you will receive your money back very fast. The transport costs will be borne by the customer.

Please let us know if you have more questions push us a msg here or on facebook and we respond as fast as we can.